We are pioneers in Medical Spanish Proficiency and Education.
ICBMED certification exam has been thoroughly designed to assess fluency in medical terminology, patient interaction, and ethical considerations. By obtaining ICBMED Certification in Medical Spanish Proficiency, healthcare professionals demonstrate their commitment to providing culturally sensitive care to English-limited patients who express themselves in Spanish, thereby enhancing patient safety and overall healthcare outcomes.
ICBMED Medical Spanish Program for Doctor/Patient Interaction in Healthcare Settings is an unparalleled educational program in the United States.
Medical students gain a deep understanding of medical terminology, effective communication strategies, and cultural nuances, empowering them to serve minority Hispanic populations with confidence, proficiency, and the highest level of training in medical Spanish.
ICBMED is a leading provider of medical translations for healthcare societies, hospitals and research centers. We specialize in English and Spanish, connecting health professionals, researchers, and medical societies with certified translators.
With over 20 years of experience, ICBMED Medical Translations Bureau provides scientific and accurate medical translations to healthcare societies and research centers, specializing in translating medical journals, scientific papers, and clinical trials.
ICBMED IBEROAMÉRICA, nuestra sección de traducción médica específica para publicaciones iberoamericanas, le ayudará a encontrar la mejor solución de traducción al inglés para su revista, a un coste inferior al del precio del mercado y con nuestro servicio gratuito de indexación ICBMED INDEX.
ICBMED TALK es un programa de charlas en inglés nativo que puede contratarse, solo, en España. Si te cuesta entender el inglés nativo y te aburren los podcasts y los cursos de inglés, contrata una de nuestras charlas sobre ciencia, arqueología, medicina y misterio, “afila” tu inglés y maravíllate con los enigmas que nos rodean.
Bowman™ is the world's first artificial intelligence (A.I.) system mounted on a patented quantum language model (QLM) to provide updated, accurate, and scientific medical translations in both English and Spanish language.
Bowman™ is the world’s first artificial intelligence (A.I.) system mounted on a patented quantum language model (QLM) to provide updated, accurate, and scientific medical translations in both English and Spanish language.
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